The first factory sample done. It is still developing till the production starts, but let us share the insane camouflage paint pattern.
To recreate the paint thoroughly, the parts must be divided into many small pieces. There is a decent reason for the pricey statue. There are 19 parts only for the upper body. The assembly is very tough like a puzzle, but this is necessary for the paint.
The assembly procedure is,
– Assemble the belt on the back
– Assemble the belt on the chest
– Assemble the shoulder pad on the vest
– Assemble the waist
– Assemble the small belt on the vest
– Assemble 4 magazine pouches
The collar is interchangeable
– 背中に×状のハーネスを取り付ける
– 胸のハーネスを取り付ける
– ベストの肩パッド部を被せる
– 同じくベストの腹回りを巻き付けながら接着する
– ベストの小ベルトを取り付ける
– マガジンポーチ4個を取り付ける
FYI, our painter, Katsuhige Akeyama, repainted it from the beginning after he once finished all the camouflage because he noticed that the realistic camouflage was not outstanding and doesn’t look good on the statue after the 1st try.
The pre-orders is closing this weekend. If you are interested in it, please contact your favorite toy stores or hobby shops to secure your order.
Also don’t miss “the puppy DD free gift campaign.”