Taste of 80’s/80年代風デザイン

Taste of 80’s – “Tales from the Apocalypse” Zombie Plastic Model Kit
80年代風デザイン ゾンビプラモ『地獄のゾンビ黙示録』

We designed the package box art so that it reminds you of good old 80’s B-grade horror movies. The size is exactly same as VHS. Moreover, we even added the scratches, damages, and peeled off labels as if it was heavily rented at Blockbuster. Also each face has different degree of color fading. The side facing front on the shelf has more fading the other. The photos of the back look like coming from the actual movie scenes. The model kits distributed in Japan have the Japanese title on the boxes. We hope you’ll like it.

These package boxes are displayed at Monsterpalooza this weekend. Please check them out.

More info about zombie model kit: https://www.gecco.co.jp/zombie-en.html
Monsterpalooza: http://www.monsterpalooza.com/spring/

Package art and design: Ryohei Miyaji / HIGH-BURN VIDEO


ゾンビプラモ情報: https://www.gecco.co.jp/zombie.html

パッケージアート&デザイン: ミヤジー・スコリモフモフスキ/HIGH-BURN VIDEO
